Weinberger’s success story began with a farm in the Austrian province of Carinthia, which also included some forested property. Five generations ago, it was decided to exploit that capital through commerce. The business based in the Lavant Valley increased its ability to add value by building a small sawmill. The following decades were characterised by the expansion of the site and extensions to the sawmill. A log yard was created, for instance, and parquet production was commenced as was the construction of the machining plant for profile boards and timber for building. All investments were designed to help the company develop into a high-tech wood-processing company.
Foundation stone laid for finger-jointing, which today lies at the heart of Weinberger’s production
European première in the use of formaldehyde-free polyurethane technology with adhesives (PUR adhesive) for load-bearing structural timber components
Bilam and trilam production
Province winner of the “Wachstum durch Forschung” innovation award [Growth through Research]
Third place in the “Innovatives Verkleben von tragenden Holzbauteilen” innovation and research award [Innovative Gluing of Load-bearing Structural Timber Components]
Acquisition of the glued-laminated timber works in Abtenau (Salzburg)
Weinberger became the first company in Europe to manufacture bilam and trilam to meet CE requirements
The 2013 ACR Cooperation Prize awarded to weinberger-holz gmbh for the “Setzungsfreie Blockhausbohle” (“Non-settling log-house plank”) research project carried out in conjunction with Holzforschung Austria
Austria’s most modern plant for the production of glue-laminated timber went into operation at Weinberger in Abtenau in autumn 2014
CE conformity for Bilam and Trilam in larch
CE conformity for primolam in spruce and pine
Our eco power has now been officially certified as green electricity
CE conformity for glued solid timber from larch
CE conformity for primolam for upright purposes
Extended fire protection (sprinkler systems) at our Reichenfels site
Upgrade for the production planning software and master computer for consignment production
Foundation of weinberger-holding gmbh.
It serves as the parent company of the two subsidiaries weinberger-holz gmbh and weinberger-abtenau gmbh and makes the strategic development potentialities more flexible.
However, the holding company in no way alters the ownership structure and status as a family business.
Purchase of a new finger-jointing press, expansion of the multi-storey warehouse and installation of a new paternoster for the possibility of new hybrid designs at the Reichenfels works.
Log-house planks with a 280 mm thick wall and Bilam forte can now be produced in both works
Acquisition of new Microtec X-ray scanners at both sites
Today, Weinberger is the market leader when it comes to quality and service in the fields of the load-bearing laminated timber products bilam, trilam as well as glued solid timber. Our products have been appreciated by a great number of renowned European customers, timber merchants and timber-construction companies committed to quality as well as carpenter’s workshops of all sizes for many years.
weinberger-holz gmbh
9463 Reichenfels, Austria
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weinberger-holz gmbh
5441 Abtenau, Austria
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